- 1 - 50 out of 233 results
Search results
Dr Georgie Agar
- School of Psychology - Lecturer
- Applied Health Research Group
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Shakil Ahmad
- Aston Medical School - Senior Lecturer
- Translational Medicine Research Group (TMRG)
Person: Research, Teaching & Research
Dr Radeyah Ali
- Aston Pharmacy School - Teaching Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching
Ali Al-Khattawi
- Aston Pharmacy School - Lecturer
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr Enrico Amico
- Aston Pharmacy School - Lecturer in Neuroscience
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Raj Badhan
- Aston Pharmacy School - Senior Lecturer
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Mrs Shagaf Bakour
- Aston Medical School - Clinical Senior Lecturer (Teaching & Clinical)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching
Zita Balklava
- School of Biosciences - Senior Lecturer
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Research, Teaching & Research
Professor Hannah Bartlett
- Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Optometry - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Amreen Bashir
Person: Teaching & Research
Srikanth Bellary
- School of Biosciences - Metabolic Medicine
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- Aston India Centre for Applied Research
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Levi Bentley
Person: Teaching & Research
Preeti Bhogal-Bhamra
- Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Optometry - Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Roslyn Bill
- School of Biosciences - Professor
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr Sayantan Biswas
- Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Optometry - Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Sally Blackmore-Wright
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Optometry - Teaching Fellow
Person: Teaching
Jackie Blissett
- School of Psychology - Professor in Psychology
- Applied Health Research Group
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr Ryan Blything
- School of Psychology - Teaching Associate in Psychology
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching
Luc Boutsen
- School of Psychology - Lecturer
- Cognition & Neuroscience Research Group (CNRG)
- Centre for Vision and Hearing Research
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Mark Brennan
- Aston Pharmacy School - Associate Professorial Teaching Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching
Douglas Browning
- School of Biosciences - Senior Lecturer
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Matthew Buckley
- School of Psychology - Lecturer in Psychology
- Cognition & Neuroscience Research Group (CNRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Joe Bush
- Aston Pharmacy School - Senior Lecturer
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Sarah Carrington
- School of Psychology - Senior Lecturer
- Cognition & Neuroscience Research Group (CNRG)
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Douglas A. Caruana
- Aston Pharmacy School - Lecturer
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Rachel Caves
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- School of Biosciences - Research Technician
Person: Technicians
Dr Adrienne Chan
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr Felix Chan
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr Danny Chandla
- Aston Medical School - Lecturer
- College of Health and Life Sciences - Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Anupama Chembath
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- School of Biosciences - Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Person: Research
Alex Cheong
- Aston Pharmacy School - Senior Lecturer
- Pharmacology & Translational Neuroscience Research Group (PTNRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Jeremy Chiang
- School of Optometry
- Optometry - Ocular Surface Disease Research Associate
Person: Research
Michael Coleman
- Aston Pharmacy School - Professor
- Pharmacology & Translational Neuroscience Research Group (PTNRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Russell Collighan
- School of Biosciences - Lecturer in Molecular Biology
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Jonathan A. G. Cox
- School of Biosciences - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer In Microbiology
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr Shioma-Lei Craythorne
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment - Research Fellow
Person: Research
Leon Davies
- Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Optometry - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
William Day
- School of Psychology - Teaching Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching