6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Jackie Blissett with the persons below:
Claire Farrow
- School of Psychology - Professor
- Applied Health Research Group
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Jason Michael Thomas
- School of Psychology - Senior Lecturer
- Applied Health Research Group - Senior Lecturer
- College of Health and Life Sciences - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Amanda Wood
- School of Psychology - Honorary Professor
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
Anthony Hilton
- School of Biosciences - Professor
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Prof Ian Maidment
- Aston Pharmacy School - Professor
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Srikanth Bellary
- School of Biosciences - Metabolic Medicine
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- Aston India Centre for Applied Research
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research