Capturing strategy as an everyday practice: quantitative methodologies for analysing practice data

Paula Jarzabkowski, Jane K. Matthiesen

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferenceUnpublished Conference Paper


Few works address methodological issues of how to conduct strategy-as-practice research and even fewer focus on how to analyse the subsequent data in ways that illuminate strategy as an everyday, social practice. We address this gap by proposing a quantitative method for analysing observational data, which can complement more traditional qualitative methodologies. We propose that rigorous but context-sensitive coding of transcripts can render everyday practice analysable statistically. Such statistical analysis provides a means for analytically representing patterns and shifts within the mundane, repetitive elements through which practice is accomplished. We call this approach the Event Database (EDB) and it consists of five basic coding categories that help us capture the stream of practice. Indexing codes help to index or categorise the data, in order to give context and offer some basic information about the event under discussion. Indexing codes are descriptive codes, which allow us to catalogue and classify events according to their assigned characteristics. Content codes are to do with the qualitative nature of the event; this is the essence of the event. It is a description that helps to inform judgements about the phenomenon. Nature codes help us distinguish between discursive and tangible events. We include this code to acknowledge that some events differ qualitatively from other events. Type events are codes abstracted from the data in order to help us classify events based on their description or nature. This involves significantly more judgement than the index codes but consequently is also more meaningful. Dynamics codes help us capture some of the movement or fluidity of events. This category has been included to let us capture the flow of activity over time.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event23rd European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 5 Jul 20077 Jul 2007


Conference23rd European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium
Abbreviated titleEGOS 2007


  • strategy-as-practice
  • methodology
  • event database
  • quantitative
  • qualitative


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