Critical pedagogy/popular education group

Sarah S. Amsler, Joyce Canaan, Stephen Cowden, Sara Motta, Gurnam Singh

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


Few today doubt that English Higher Education (HE), like the wider world in which it is located, is in crisis. This is, in part, an economic crisis, as the government response to the current recession seems to be that of introducing the kind of neoliberal ‘shock doctrine’ (Klein 2007) or ‘shock therapy’ (Harvey 2005) that previously resulted in swingeing cuts in public services in Southern nations. Our aim in producing this volume is that these contributions help develop a collective response to the seeming limits of these conditions. We view the strength of these contributions in part as providing palpable evidence of how we and our colleagues are acting with critical hope under current conditions so that we might encourage others to work with us to build, together, more progressive formal and informal education systems that address and seek to redress multiple injustices of the world today.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWhy Critical Pedagogy and Popular Education Matter Today
EditorsSarah S. Amsler, Joyce Canaan, Stephen Cowden, Sara Motta, Gurnam Singh
Place of PublicationBirmingham
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)1902191404
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010

Bibliographical note

Available to download from publisher website Copyright of The Higher Education Academy. This material may be freely distributed and copied for educational purposes only, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given to the Higher Education Academy as the copyright holder and original publisher.


  • critical pedagogy
  • popular education
  • higher education
  • neoliberalism


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