De cara a 'Forever in Galicia': traducir a Castelao no contexto recente da literatura galega traducida a inglés

Translated title of the contribution: Towards 'Forever in Galicia': translating Castelao in the context of contemporary Galician literature translated into English

Olga Castro, Craig Patterson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


This article presents the most recent historical context (1995-2005) of the translation of Galician literary texts into a British framework. It also provides an analysis of the translation and editing conditions that have had an influence on each publication. At the same time, it offers a comparative reflection on the literary relationships that take place between Galicia, a nation without a state whose literary system has not yet attained full autonomy, and the United Kingdom, which has a strong literary system, on the premise that it foments cultural self-confidence and an awareness of national identity, especially as regards to the Galician literary and cultural system. The act of translating and publishing translations of Galician literature in the Anglophone world connotes a determined interplay of commercial, philsosophical and artistic interests, as well as practical difficulties within a specific cultural and global context. This paper therefore seeks to interrogate the sometimes unpredictable laws of the market for Galician and foreign literature in translation in English-speaking countries, by examining the reception of translations and the perception of their source culture. Finally, the challenge of translating and publishing Castelao's Sempre en Galiza within the practical and often problematic parameters established by this analysis will be considered.
Translated title of the contributionTowards 'Forever in Galicia': translating Castelao in the context of contemporary Galician literature translated into English
Original languageGalician
Title of host publicationSoldando Sal
Subtitle of host publicationGalician studies in translation and paratranslation
EditorsBurghard Baltrusch, Gabriel Pérez Durán, Kathrin Sartingen
Place of PublicationMünchen (DE)
Number of pages20
ISBN (Print)9783899752113
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2010


  • Galician Translation Studies
  • Galician Literature in Translation
  • Castelao translated into English
  • Minority and Translation


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