Delivering Levelling-Up: Don't turn on the taps without fixing the pipes

Jack Newman, Charles Seaford, Ben Glover, Simon Collinson, Charlotte Hoole, Anastasios Kitsos, Diana Gutiérrez-Posada, Helen Tilley, Ananya Mukerjee, Nigel Gilbert, Nigel Driffield

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This report is based on research to date conducted as part of the LIPSIT project, undertaken by the Universities of Birmingham, Cardiff, Surrey and Warwick and the think tank Demos, and funded by the ESRC, Grant ES/T002468/1. The aim of the LIPSIT project (Local Institutions, Productivity, Sustainability and Inclusivity Trade-offs) is to identify institutional and organisational arrangements at the regional level that tend to lead to the
‘good’ management of policy trade-offs associated with increasing productivity, and to make recommendations based on this.

This is the second of two reports produced by the LIPSIT project; the first, ‘Achieving Levelling Up: The structures and processes needed’, was published in November 2020. Further information about the LIPSIT project can be found at and by following our Twitter
channel @LIPSIT_Project.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages56
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021

Publication series

NameLIPSIT Project Outputs


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