Determining consumer satisfaction and commitment through self-service technology and personal service usage

Amanda T. Beatson, Leonard V. Coote, John M. Rudd

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper expands research into self-service technology in the service encounter. Self-service technology is where customers deliver service themselves using some form of a technological interface. There is still a great deal unknown about self-service technology, in particular its impact on consumer satisfaction and consumer commitment. With that in mind, this empirical study explores the relative impact of self-service technology on consumer satisfaction and on a multidimensional measure of consumer commitment containing affective commitment, temporal commitment and instrumental commitment. The results reveal that in a hotel context personal service still remains very important for assessments of satisfaction, and affective and temporal commitment. What is particularly interesting is that self-service technology, while impacting these constructs, also impacts instrumental commitment. This suggests that positive evaluations of self-service technology may tie consumers into relationships with hotels. A discussion and implications for managers are provided on these and other results, and the paper is concluded with further potential research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)853-882
Number of pages30
JournalJournal of Marketing Management
Issue number7-8
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in [include the complete citation information for the final version of the article as published in the ournal of marketing management 2006. ©Westburn Publishers Ltd., available online at:


  • self-service technology
  • personal service
  • consumer satisfaction
  • affective commitment
  • temporal commitment
  • instrumental commitment
  • service encounter


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