Dynamics of effectuation and causation in technology-based new ventures (INTERACTIVE PAPER)

Isabelle Reymen, Petra Andries, Rene Mauer, Ute Stephan, Elco Van Burg

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The creation of new ventures is a process characterized by the need to decide and take action in the face of uncertainty, and this is particularly so in the case of technology-based ventures. Effectuation theory (Sarasvathy, 2001) has advanced two possible approaches for making decisions while facing uncertainty in the entrepreneurial process. Causation logic is based on prediction and aims at lowering uncertainty, whereas effectuation logic is based on non-predictive action and aims at working with uncertainty. This study aims to generate more fine-grained insight in the dynamics of effectuation and causation over time. We address the following questions: (1) What patterns can be found in effectual and causal behaviour of technology-based new ventures over time? And (2) How may patterns in the dynamics of effectuation and causation be explained?
Original languageEnglish
Article number25
JournalFrontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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