Family supportive work environment, perceptions of the employment relationship and employee work outcomes

Samuel Aryee, Tae-Yeol Kim, Cordia Chu, Seongmin Ryu

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferenceUnpublished Conference Paperpeer-review


Data obtained from employed parents and their supervisors (N=230) in twelve South Korean organizations were used to test a model of the antecedents and outcomes of organizational social exchange. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results showed family supportive supervisor and perceived organizational family support to be related to organizational social exchange. Additionally, organizational social exchange was shown to be related to contextual performance and work withdrawal but indirectly through organization-based self-esteem. We discuss the implications of these findings for managing the employee-organization relationship in an increasingly diverse workforce.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventAcademy of Management Annual Conference 2012 - Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Duration: 11 Sept 201223 Sept 2012


ConferenceAcademy of Management Annual Conference 2012
Abbreviated titleBAM 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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