Good-turing estimation for the frequentist n-tuple classifier

Michal Morciniec, Richard Rohwer

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


    We present results concerning the application of the Good-Turing (GT) estimation method to the frequentist n-tuple system. We show that the Good-Turing method can, to a certain extent rectify the Zero Frequency Problem by providing, within a formal framework, improved estimates of small tallies. We also show that it leads to better tuple system performance than Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE). However, preliminary experimental results suggest that replacing zero tallies with an arbitrary constant close to zero before MLE yields better performance than that of GT system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationWeightless Neural Network Workshop'95, Computing with Logical Neurons
    EditorsDavid Bisset
    Place of PublicationCanterbury
    PublisherUniversity of Kent
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 1995
    EventProceedings of the Weightless Neural Network Workshop 1995, Computing with Logical Neurons -
    Duration: 1 Sept 19951 Sept 1995


    WorkshopProceedings of the Weightless Neural Network Workshop 1995, Computing with Logical Neurons


    • good-turing
    • zero frequency
    • estimates
    • maximum likelihood estimation


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