In search of a sustainable success strategy in the Chinese chemical industry

Jeremy Cheng, David Bennett

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


The Chinese chemical industry is facing fierce competition and changing market dynamics due to the change in the country's economic policy. Its government has applied administr.ttive actions rather than simply relying on the market to address the changing dynamics. It has attempted to privatise government-owned enterprises by corporatisation coupled with industrial restructuring. This paper uses a case study of Peony Printing Ink Co Ltd, a state-owned chemical enterprise, to illustrate the effectiveness of developing internal competences to improve long-term operational performance rather than the adoption of a privatisation approach.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2004 annual international EUROMA conference
Subtitle of host publicationoperations management as a change agent
EditorsLuc N. van Wassenhove, Arnoud de Meyer, Enver Yucesan, Evrim D. Güneş, Luc Muyldermans
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)2-9522-2100-6
Publication statusUnpublished - 2004
Event11th annual international EUROMA conference - Fontainebleau, France
Duration: 27 Jun 200429 Jun 2004


Conference11th annual international EUROMA conference


  • Chinese chemical industry perfonnance
  • core capabilities
  • private and state ownership


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