Justice and prisons policy

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The field of justice policy is, of course, a critical one for state activity – indeed, arguably it is the most important field of activity, as the state exercises its ability to develop and enforce its rules, including by depriving individuals of their liberty. Notwithstanding this, scholarship in the field was, for many years, dominated by experts coming from different perspectives of legal studies, rather than political science. Nowadays, that has shifted somewhat, as interest in the activity of constitutional courts in political systems has grown, inspired, for instance, by the work of Martin Shapiro, Alec Stone Sweet, R. Daniel Kelemen and many others (e. g. Shapiro 1988; Shapiro and Stone 1994; Stone Sweet 2000; Shapiro and Stone Sweet 2002; Kelemen 2006).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDie Politik der Bundeslaender
Subtitle of host publicationZwischen Foederalismusreform und Schuldenbremse
EditorsFrieder Wolf, Achim Hildebrandt
Place of PublicationWiesbaden (DE)
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2016


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