Outlook and application status of the Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems SOFC

D.K. Nichols, G. Agnew, Danielle Strickland

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


Rolls-Royce fuel cell systems is developing megawatt scale power systems based on solid oxide fuel cell technology. The hybrid design promises to meet challenging energy efficiency, cost and performance targets in a grid friendly fashion. Analysis and testing to date indicate that those targets can be met and enable a wealth of fuel cell applications to meet customer and existing grid and modern grid requirements. Working with a global development team, a series of laboratory tests and evaluations are completed and future field test and evaluation and demonstration planned.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPower and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE
Number of pages3
ISBN (Print)9781424419050
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2008


  • energy conversion
  • energy resources
  • fuel cells
  • interconnected power system
  • power distribution
  • power electronics
  • power generation
  • power industry
  • technological innovation


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