Show bizz becomes show buzz: how viral diffusion changes the traditional meaning-making process of a rising star

Kristine De Valck, Gachoucha Kretz, Dina Rasolofoarison

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Studying the case of a young French rapper called Kamini, the authors show how the viral diffusion of a new creative product, such as a song, radically changes traditional meaning-making processes. Instead of the top-down approach in which product positioning is carefully constructed and transferred to consumers, marketers are faced with a bottom-up trend in which consumers increasingly participate in blogs and online forums to talk about products (thus, creating and diffusing meaning) before any marketing action is undertaken. Our study aims to understand the interactions and tensions between market forces that result from this pro-active role of the consumer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)434-437
Number of pages4
Journal[European] Advances in Consumer Research
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2007
EventEuropean Association of Consumer Research Conference - Milano, Italy
Duration: 11 Jul 200714 Jul 2007


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