The role of social media in promoting resilience in post-disaster recovery context: The Syrian crisis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Hosting refugees and sharing limited resources with them is now a challenge for different countries globally, particularly since external aid is frequently insufficient. Building and increasing social resilience of refugees and hosting nationals has become a priority for governments and international organisations worldwide. Social media plays a significant role in framing the refugee crisis and handling it in the West as well as in the East countries. This paper will examine the role of social media in enhancing the social resilience of refugees and hosting communities in conflict affected zones. This research builds on social capital theory by exploring its applicability to the usage of social media platforms in a refugee crisis context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication27th International Conference on Management of Technology
Subtitle of host publicationTowards Sustainable Technologies and Innovation
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2018
Event27th International Conference on Management of Technology - Birmingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 22 Apr 201826 Apr 2018


Conference27th International Conference on Management of Technology
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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