The UK obesity epidemic: new steering instruments for a new public policy problematic?

Josie Kelly

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter


Since the 1980s UK government enthusiasm for market reforms has reconfigured the nature and scope of public services. Initially the marketisation of public services changed how public services were provided, increasingly market reforms and pro business policies have also modified the formation and understanding of public policy problematics and how they ought to be resolved. This is particularly noticeable when markets work imperfectly or even fail. UK governments have shown their reluctance to employ regulatory instruments to change the behaviour of companies preferring instead to make use of softer interventions, by focusing on providing advice for consumers and urging individuals to act responsibly. The dilemmas of this approach are explored by discussing the UK's former Labour government's (1997–2010) response to the increase in the incidence of obesity and related health complications.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNew steering concepts in public management
EditorsSandra Groeneveld, Steven van De Walle
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-78052-111-4
ISBN (Print)978-1-78052-110-7
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series

NameResearch in public policy analysis and management
ISSN (Print)0732-1317


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