Tracing the distribution concern: Bridging the Gap

Nelly Bencomo, Gordon S. Blair, Peter Sawyer

Research output: Preprint or Working paperWorking paper


Distribution is often presented as an example of a
crosscutting concern that is difficult to modularize.
This paper presents an approach for modeling
distribution using a combination of AOSD and use
cases. One of the aims of the paper is to bridge the gap
between the handling of crosscutting concerns during
the early and later phases of the lifecycle when
developing distributed applications. With our
approach the distribution concern is modularized in
control objects in Analysis, in design control classes in
Design and in distributed components in
Implementation and Deployment. Use cases are used
to establish a clear traceability among the analysis,
design, deployment and implementation stages. In this
sense, control objects of the analysis have a direct
correspondence with distributed components in the
implementation and deployment models.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2004

Bibliographical note

© 2004 The Authors


  • cs_eprint_id
  • 984 cs_uid
  • 1


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