The objective of this work has been theinvestigation of the processes in which tubes are
rolled in the longitudinal mode through two driven,
grooved rolls.
These processes may be categorised as follows:-
(i) Sinking, which is the simplest procedure, and
in which the tube is passed through the rolls
unconstrained and without internal support.
(ii) Stretch-reducing, which is similar to sinking,
but with the addition of axial tensions to the
tube during rolling.
(iii) Mandrel Rolling, in which the tube is supported
internally by a bar which is free to move with
the tube.
(iv) Plug Rolling; this process, of rolling on a
fixed mandrel, is the least used and has not
been reproduced here.
Knowledge is required of the way in which the
roll separating force, rolling torque, and load
distribution round the groove, vary for different
conditions of rolling, e.g. the amount of deformation
carried out in a roll stand, the magnitude of axial
tensions, and whether the bore of the tube is
unsupported or on a mandrel.
Particular emphasis has been placed on the
measurement of the load variation in the are of
contact and round the groove, by the use of novel
pin loadcells, A wide-ranging review of the
development and application of this technique is
The almost entirely foreign publications
concerned with these rolling processes are also
reviewed at length.
The setting up of an experimental mill for the
rolling of lead tube as an analogue material for hot
steel, with the measurement of all the parameters, is
Results are presented of rolling trials in the
three configurations enumerated above, and
considerations are made of theoretical treatments of
the processes, using equilibrium approaches, emanating
from Russian sources.
The complexities of the processes and the
difficulties of analytical treatment are demonstrated,
and further investigations are proposed.
Date of Award | Aug 1969 |
Original language | English |
- cylindrical tube
- grooved roll