On the Effect of Blue Staining Fungi on the Permeability of Sitka Spruce

  • B. King

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Science (by Research)


Some aspects of the ecology and physiology
of blue-staining and mould fungi were investigated with
particular reference to their wood permeability enhancing

Of the thirty three species tested, all were
“geen to be considerably amylolytic, but many species did
not exhibit:a similar intensity of cellulolytic or
pectinolytic activity. Some species were seen to possess
both active cellulase and pectinase systems, though the
greater number of test species were seen to possess
active cellulase systems only, under the test conditions.

The growth rates of the individual fungal
species was seen to considerably influence their production
of enzymes. Faster-growing species apparently
produced greater quantities of enzymes then slower-growing
species, and they similarly produced a more
extensive degradation. However, the intensity of
degradation produced by the slower-growing species,
relative to that produced by the faster-growing species,
was considered to be highly significant.

It was hypothesised that many of the bluestaining
and mould fungi tested were primarily
amylolytic but possessed secondary cellulase or
pectinase systems. It was considered, however, that
the interrelationships between the amylase, cellulase
and pectinase systems of these species would require
further more detailed investigation.

It was suggested that the celluloytic or
pectinolytic activities of many of the species tested
may would considerably influence their ability to enhance
the permeability of wood.
Date of AwardFeb 1972
Original languageEnglish


  • fungi
  • permeability
  • sitka spruce
  • biological science

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