The Impact of Digital Service Innovations in Retail Agglomerations on Retail Destination Attractiveness

  • Amela Dizdarevic

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    Prior to the digital revolution, the decision where to shop concentrated mainly on the shoppingarea choice between downtown or shopping centre and the need for a specific store. The rise of online retailing resulted in changes in consumer’s shopping behaviour. While online retailers list rising sales increases, shopping areas in many cities are confronted with increasing vacancy rates due to a customer-perceived relative disadvantage in terms of their attractiveness as shopping destinations. However, the growth of innovative technologies should not simply be considered as risk for brick-and-mortar retailers, but also as chance to enhance the offline shopping experience. The thesis addresses these developments by investigating digital touchpoints attracting customers to shopping centres, High Streets and town centres. First, the concept of retail destination attractiveness by means of a comprehensive literature review is established. Next, project1 sets the research framework by conceptualising a typology of devices and platforms delivering digital services. Derived from consumer interviews, technologies adding value from a consumers’ viewpoint are introduced alongside the customer journey and antecedents of their acceptance are evaluated. By drawing on agglomeration, service and information management literature, the quality of digital services is conceptualised within project2. Subsequently, four qualitative and three quantitative studies aid in developing a valid and reliable measurement tool assessing the performance of digital services. Project3 complements the work by introducing the digital marketing mix as suitable instrument for the classificationof digital services. Based on the model, nine best practices of the application of innovative digital technologies are highlighted to demonstrate how traditional retailing is evolving in the digital age. By showing that digital services currently and prospectively have an impact on retail destination attractiveness, guidelines and potentials to strengthen the overall destination experience are revealed, leading to an enhanced economic performance of the retail destination.
    Date of Award2021
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorAndrew Farrell (Supervisor) & Kristina Schmidt (Supervisor)


    • Technology
    • Retailing
    • Scale development
    • Shopping centre
    • High Street
    • Town centre

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